Table 3.

24-Hour Pain Experience Outcome Comparisons Dichotomized by Low vs High Average Pain Ratings (n=846)

OutcomeLow Average Pain (0-4 rating)High Average Pain (5-10 rating)Missing/UnknownChi-Square (df)aP Value
Time in severe pain117.3 (4)<0.001
 0%-25%129 (86.0)345 (49.9)1 (25.0)
 26%-100%21 (14.0)344 (49.7)2 (50.0)
 Missing/unknown0 (0.0)3 (0.4)1 (25.0)
Amount of relief from pharmacologic analgesia39.6 (4)<0.001
 0%-75%32 (21.3)337 (48.7)2 (50.0)
 80%-100%106 (70.7)331 (47.8)2 (50.0)
 Missing/unknown12 (8.0)24 (3.5)0 (0.0)
Average ability to cope with pain11.1 (4)0.005
 Low (0-6 rating)39 (26.0)278 (40.2)2 (50.0)
 High (7-10 rating)109 (72.7)409 (59.1)2 (50.0)
 Missing/unknown2 (1.3)5 (0.7)0 (0.0)
  • aTest statistics and P values from chi-square tests for association.

  • Notes: The Missing/Unknown column label refers to unknown responses for rating of average pain; the Missing/unknown row labels refer to unknown responses for ratings of time in severe pain, amount of pain relief from pharmacologic analgesia, or average ability to cope with pain. Data are reported as n (%). Bold denotes statistical significance.

  • df, degrees of freedom.