Table 2.

Intraoperative Characteristics (n=64)

Open surgery64 (100)
General anesthesia64 (100)
Combined general anesthesia/epidural analgesia30 (47)
Central venous pressure monitoring10 (16)
Median duration of surgery, min (range)435 (53-800)
Median duration of anesthesia, min (range)528 (103-937)
Renal protection
 None2 (3)
 Mannitol 12.5 g18 (28)
 Mannitol 25 g27 (42)
 Mannitol >25 g6 (9)
 Missing11 (17)
Median estimated blood loss, mL (range)1,053 (120-3,000)
Blood transfusion29 (45)
Median crystalloid administration, mL (range)7,144 (500-17,200)
Median colloid administration, mL (range)1,253 (0-3,500)
Median urine output, mL (range)2,003 (415-4,950)
  • Note: Data are presented as n (%) unless otherwise indicated.