In our first nonthemed issue of 2015, we continue with a diverse and interesting selection of contributions. We start with an editorial on screening for colorectal cancer, followed by our quarterly ethics column on an extremely topical and important subject: Ebola and medical ethics. Our original research section has 5 articles that include looking at process-improvement skills in our training program directors, decreasing length of stay in donor nephrectomy patients, long-term effects of participation in diabetic boot camps, enhancing resilience among new nurses, and posttransplant nephrocalcinosis.
We continue with 3 review articles covering drug-induced pancreatitis, iPhone use in orthopedic surgery departments, and rhabdomyolysis.
Our next section includes 11 diverse case reports that span from the eye and the gastrointestinal tract to pediatrics. We conclude the issue with abstracts from the 15th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine Conference.
As always, the editorial board thanks our reviewers and contributors for their efforts and hopes our readers continue to find these submissions useful and interesting.
- © Academic Division of Ochsner Clinic Foundation