Index by author
Jun 2018; Volume 18,Issue 2
Abd-elsayed, Alaa A.
- An Intervention to Improve Medical Student Perception of Observation and Feedback During an Anesthesiology ClerkshipMichael C. Trawicki, Karin L. Zuegge, Lana M. Volz and Alaa A. Abd-ElsayedOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 159-163; DOI:
Al-khadra, Yasser
- Early Repolarization Found on Routine Electrocardiograms: Risk and ManagementFahed Darmoch, Toufik Haddad, Amjad Kabbash, Hirad Yarmohammadi, Yasser Al-Khadra and M. Chadi AlraiesOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 110-111; DOI:
- Risk of Left Atrial Enlargement in Obese Patients With Obesity-Induced Hypoventilation Syndrome vs Obstructive Sleep ApneaYasser Al-Khadra, Fahed Darmoch, Mohammad Alkhatib, Motaz Baibars and M. Chadi AlraiesOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 136-140; DOI:
Alkhatib, Mohammad
- Risk of Left Atrial Enlargement in Obese Patients With Obesity-Induced Hypoventilation Syndrome vs Obstructive Sleep ApneaYasser Al-Khadra, Fahed Darmoch, Mohammad Alkhatib, Motaz Baibars and M. Chadi AlraiesOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 136-140; DOI:
Alraies, M. Chadi
- Early Repolarization Found on Routine Electrocardiograms: Risk and ManagementFahed Darmoch, Toufik Haddad, Amjad Kabbash, Hirad Yarmohammadi, Yasser Al-Khadra and M. Chadi AlraiesOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 110-111; DOI:
- Risk of Left Atrial Enlargement in Obese Patients With Obesity-Induced Hypoventilation Syndrome vs Obstructive Sleep ApneaYasser Al-Khadra, Fahed Darmoch, Mohammad Alkhatib, Motaz Baibars and M. Chadi AlraiesOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 136-140; DOI:
Amedee, Ronald G.
- Summertime 2018Ronald G. AmedeeOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 109; DOI:
Anyama, Best
- Emergent Surgical Embolectomy for Massive Pulmonary Embolism Causing Intraoperative Cardiac ArrestBest Anyama, Omar Viswanath, Carolina De La Cuesta, Murlikrishna Kannan, Michael Wittels, Steve Xydas, Alan David Kaye and David A. FarcyOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 183-187; DOI:
Babycos, Christopher
- Novel Chest Wall Reconstruction Following Excision of an Xiphisternal ChondrosarcomaMiranda C. Hann, Brian Pettiford and Christopher BabycosOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 180-182; DOI:
Baibars, Motaz
- Risk of Left Atrial Enlargement in Obese Patients With Obesity-Induced Hypoventilation Syndrome vs Obstructive Sleep ApneaYasser Al-Khadra, Fahed Darmoch, Mohammad Alkhatib, Motaz Baibars and M. Chadi AlraiesOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 136-140; DOI:
Bansal, Aditya
- Left Ventricular Assist Device Inflow Cannula Position May Contribute to the Development of HeartMate II Left Ventricular Assist Device Pump ThrombosisJay K. Bhama and Aditya BansalOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 131-135; DOI:
Benson, Brian L.
- Health Disparities Educational Initiative for ResidentsBrian L. Benson, MinhChau Ha, R. Brent Stansfield and Tsveti MarkovaOchsner Journal June 2018, 18 (2) 151-158; DOI: