April 7–8, 2000 Spectrums of Managing Spasticity and Painful Muscle Spasma Beau Rivage Resort and Hotel, Biloxi, MS
For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
April 8, 2000 ADA-Best and Banting Meeting New Orleans, LA
For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
April 27–29, 2000 Tenth Annual Endocrinology Update (During the New Orleans Jazz and Festival) Hyatt Regency Hotel, New Orleans, LA
This conference is designed for Endocrinologists, Internists, and Family Practice physicians as an update in new therapies that have been or will soon be available to physicians in many areas of endocrinology. A combination of lectures, question/answer sessions, audio visuals, handouts, and workshops are used to communicate the educational objectives. This conference is being conducted in classroom style seating. The Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation designates this educational activity for a maximum of 17 hours of Category 1 credit towards the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. The registration fee is $400.00. For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
April 28–30, 2000 2000 Pediatric Update for the Primary Care Physician (During the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival) The Wyndham Hotel, New Orleans, LA
For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
April 29–30, 2000 Annual Tri-State Anesthesia Meeting (During the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival) Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, Louisiana
This conference is both a clinical and administrative update which addresses issues pertinent to the anesthesia practice of 2000; a potpourri of disciplines will be updated including new techniques in the field of anesthesia, and governmental and legislative approaches. For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
May 3–7, 2000 Annual Meeting of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) “Exploring the Vision of Family Medicine: Research, Technology, and Practice” Orlando, Florida
Further information can be obtained from Priscilla Noland at 800 274–2237 ext4510 or assndfm{at}stfm.org.
May 5, 2000 Annual Alumni Homecoming Conference (During the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival) Brent House Hotel, New Orleans, LA
For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
May 12, 2000 18th Annual Dr. John C. Weed Obstetrics and Gynecology Resident Research Seminar Brent House Hotel, Ochsner Hospital, New Orleans, LA
This conference is an opportunity for our residents to present data which they have accumulated in the areas of interest. This is coupled with presentations by a guest lecturer encompassing a broad spectrum of topics in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. This conference is intended for OB/GYN physicians, nurses, and nurse practitioners. This conference is being conducted in theater style seating. There is no registration fee for this conference. For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
June 17, 2000 Gastroenterology Conference Brent House Hotel, New Orleans, LA
This conference is designed for Gastrointestinal Endoscopists at the level of the practitioner and fellow. The content of the sessions has been selected to focus on the clinical presentation of gastrointestinal bleeding. Specific techniques will be covered during lectures and hands-on workshops. For more information contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778–9353, 504 842–3702, or register online at www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
June 25–27, 2000 17th Annual Meeting of the Association for Health Services Research (AHSR) Los Angeles, California
For further information call 202 223–2477 or go to the website at www.ahsr.org.
July 31-August 5, 2000 22nd Annual New Orleans Internal Medicine Board Review Course Hyatt Regency, New Orleans, Louisiana
The Board Review is designed for internists as a comprehensive review of internal medicine as preparation for taking the American Board of Internal Medicine Certification and Recertification Examinations or as a review for Board-certified physicians. After participating in this educational activity, the registrant should be better able to: diagnose and treat the diseases of the adult population, implement strategies of prevention of diseases, and successfully take the board exam. This activity is co-sponsored by the Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, Louisiana State University Medical Center and Tulane University Medical Center. The host this year is LSUMC. For registration information, please telephone LSUMC, Continuing Medical Education at (800) 648–5272 or (504) 568–6085 or contact Ochsner's CME Department at 800 778-9353, 504 842–3702, or www.ochsner.org/gmeweb/cme.
- Ochsner Clinic and Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation