Index by author
Dec 2002; Volume 4,Issue 1
Barrios, Annette C.
- The Comprehensive Management of Anticoagulation: Ochsner Coumadin ClinicAnnette C. Barrios, Hector O. Ventura and Richard V. MilaniOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 37-40;
Bluth, Edward I.
- Deep Vein Thrombosis: Diagnosis of a Comon Clinical ProblemRoy DiVittorio, Edward I. Bluth and Michael A. SullivanOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 14-17;
Breault, Joseph
- Scanning the LiteratureJoseph Breault and Joseph GuariscoOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 53-59;
Conners, Michael S.
Deitelzweig, Steven B.
- Management and Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism Including Surgery and the Pregnant StateSteven B. DeitelzweigOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 23-29;
Divittorio, Roy
- Deep Vein Thrombosis: Diagnosis of a Comon Clinical ProblemRoy DiVittorio, Edward I. Bluth and Michael A. SullivanOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 14-17;
Guarisco, Joseph
- Scanning the LiteratureJoseph Breault and Joseph GuariscoOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 53-59;
Jaff, Michael R.
Matthews, Charles C.
- Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease: A New Role for Computed TomographyAdam D. Olsan, Charles C. Matthews and Michael A. SullivanOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 18-22;
Mcfadden, P. Michael
- A History of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Venous Thrombosis and Pulmonary EmbolismP. Michael McFadden and John L. OchsnerOchsner Journal December 2002, 4 (1) 9-13;