PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Adams, Jonathan TI - The Acceptability of Online Courses as Criteria for Admission to Medical School DP - 2009 Mar 20 TA - Ochsner Journal PG - 4--10 VI - 9 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - Ochsner J2009 Mar 20; 9 AB - A national survey of medical school admissions administrators was used to assess the acceptability of applicants' qualifications that included degrees earned partly online, partly in a community college, or in a traditional program. A questionnaire was sent from The Florida State University in 2007 to admissions administrators in the 125 accredited allopathic medical schools in the United States. In each of three situations, the respondents were asked to select one of two hypothetical applicants to invite for an interview. The applicants with their coursework taken in a traditional-residential setting were overwhelmingly preferred over the applicant holding the degree earned partly online. Further analysis indicated that online courses were perceived as not presenting sufficient opportunity for students to develop important social skills through interaction with other students and mentors.