PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Ericson-Neilsen, William AU - Kaye, Alan David TI - Steroids: Pharmacology, Complications, and Practice Delivery Issues DP - 2014 Jun 20 TA - Ochsner Journal PG - 203--207 VI - 14 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Ochsner J2014 Jun 20; 14 AB - Background Since their identification nearly 80 years ago, steroids have played a prominent role in the treatment of many disease states. Many of the clinical roles of steroids are related to their potent antiinflammatory and immune-modulating properties.Methods This review summarizes the basic pharmacology, complications, and practice delivery issues regarding steroids.Results Clinically relevant side effects of steroids are common and problematic. Side effects can occur at a wide range of doses and vary depending on the route of administration. The full spectrum of side effects can be present even in patients taking low doses.Conclusions Practitioners must be aware that these drugs might exacerbate a preexisting condition or present a new medical condition. Knowledge of the clinical implications of prescribing these agents is critical.