PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Schreyer, Kraftin E. AU - Coull, Susan AU - Pitt, Henry A. AU - Freeman, Susan L. TI - Aligning House Staff Performance Improvement Projects With Hospital Priorities: An Innovative Approach AID - 10.31486/toj.18.0006 DP - 2018 Jun 20 TA - Ochsner Journal PG - 164--169 VI - 18 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Ochsner J2018 Jun 20; 18 AB - Background: As hospital leaders work to meet national performance improvement (PI) priorities and provide high-value healthcare, aligning house staff goals with those of the hospital organization becomes necessary. A hospital leadership goal is to achieve the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Triple Aim with the delivery and measurement of high-value care through various PI frameworks, including the domains of the University HealthSystem Consortium (UHC), now Vizient. However, most house staff develop PI projects within their departments, and these projects do not always align with hospital priorities. We sought to determine the extent of alignment between the house staff and the hospital.Methods: An inventory of house staff projects determined by survey responses from house staff and lists provided by program directors and chairs was compiled during a 2-year period. A team of quality experts mapped all house staff projects to the UHC domains of care and to the IHI Triple Aim and then performed a gap analysis.Results: A total of 184 projects representing 24 departments were identified. Most projects (38%), representing 18 departments, were categorized in the UHC Safety domain. The remaining projects were categorized into the domains of Efficiency (23%), Patient Centeredness (12%), Effectiveness (12%), Equity (8%), and Mortality (7%). Many departments did not have projects in all domains.Conclusion: We created unique and concise graphic representations of individual house staff projects aligning with hospital initiatives. Our framework generated an action plan for a proactive approach for continually aligning future house staff PI projects with the hospital goals and national healthcare agendas.