PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Craig, Steven R. AU - Smith, Hayden L. AU - Shaeffer, Patrick J. TI - Improving Resident Physician Participation in Reporting Patient Safety and Quality Concerns AID - 10.31486/toj.24.0016 DP - 2024 Jun 20 TA - Ochsner Journal PG - 118--123 VI - 24 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - Ochsner J2024 Jun 20; 24 AB - Background: Reporting medical errors, near misses, and adverse events is an important component of improving patient safety and resident learning. Studies have revealed that event reporting rates can be low for physicians, resident physicians, and fellows. The objective of this quality improvement project was to improve resident reporting of patient safety and quality events and engage residents in the analysis of events at a community-based teaching hospital in the United States.Methods: We developed a program to engage 122 residents from 6 Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education–accredited residency programs using a multifaceted approach that included instructing residents how to use the hospital's adverse event reporting system; requiring first-year residents to submit at least 1 report; reviewing all resident reports during a monthly multidisciplinary meeting; and ensuring that each resident who submitted a report received feedback on how the concern was being addressed.Results: The program resulted in a 41.8% (95% CI 31%-53%) absolute increase in the number of residents reporting a concern, and resident submissions led to several documented improvements in patient care. A survey was administered to the residents who submitted reports, and the majority (76.0% response rate) expressed satisfaction with both the reporting system and the feedback about how their submission was being addressed. The responding residents agreed that they were more likely to submit reports because of their experience with the program and that they felt the program would improve safety and the quality of care at the institution.Conclusion: This quality improvement project successfully increased resident event reporting and engaged residents in the review of submitted events. The program can serve as a model for other teaching hospitals.