Table 2. Areas of Child Well-Being Incorporated Into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)16
Well-Being AreaChild-Related SDG IndicatorsRelated SDG
Survive and thriveUnder 5-year-old mortality, neonatal mortality, maternal mortalitySDG 3
Births attended by skilled personnel, adolescent birth rate
New HIV infections, malaria incidence
Vaccinations (MCV1, DPT3)
Access to essential health services
Stunting (chronic undernutrition), wasting (acute undernutrition), and overweightSDG 2
LearnChildren under 5 years developmentally on trackSDG 4
Organized learning 1 year before primary school
Reading and mathematics proficiency in lower secondary school
Proportion of schools with access to WASH
Protection against violence, exploitation, and harmful practicesViolence against girls, child marriage, female genital mutilation/cuttingSDG 5
Child laborSDG 8
Intentional homicide, conflict-related deaths, violence from caregivers, sexual violence on girls and boys under 18 years, birth registrationSDG 16
Safe, clean environmentBasic drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene servicesSDG 1
Mortality rate from household/ambient air pollutionSDG 3
Safely managed drinking water and sanitation services, handwashing facilities, open defecationSDG 6
Use of clean fuelsSDG 7
Deaths from natural disastersSDG 13
Fair chance in lifeExtreme poverty, below national poverty line, multidimensional poverty, social protection floors/systemSDG 1
  • DTP3, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine full series; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; MCV1, measles-containing vaccine first dose; WASH, water, sanitation, and hygiene.