Table 2. Recommended Medications, Supplies, and Equipment for Summer Camps
MedicationsSupplies and EquipmentNonmedical Equipment
Relatively unique to sickle cell campOral acetaminophen/hydrocodone or acetaminophen/codeineNarcotic lockbox and log sheetsAbsorbent pads for beds in case of enuresis
IV opioidsHot packs for analgesiaLaundry for bed linens in case of enuresis
IV ketorolacHeated swimming pool
IV naloxoneTemperature regulation in activity areas
Common to most camps but particularly important for sickle cell campsOral NSAIDsOxygenReady access to water and bathrooms
IV ceftriaxone or other broad-spectrum antibioticPulse oximeterWater bottles
IV normal salineIV catheters and tubingElectric cart for transport of campers in pain or exhaustion
IV hypotonic fluidRefrigerator for oral antibiotics and other medicationsShade in activity areas
IV diphenhydramineNebulizer, tubing, aerosol maskExtra clothing so that campers can change from wet clothes
Albuterol nebulizerCrutches/canes for assistance when campers are in painBed/recliner for rest when campers are in pain
  • IV, intravenous; NSAIDs, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.