
Cutaneous Manifestations in COVID-19–Positive Patients, n=10

RaceAgeSexRash CharacterizationLocationCause
African American5 weeksMaleFine erythematous papulesRight side of facePossible COVID-19 etiology
49 yearsMaleBurst blisters with superficial skin breakdown and epithelial sloughingScapula, posterior trunk, buttocks, posterior and left upper thighFrostbite from cooling blanket Possible COVID-19 etiology
53 yearsFemalePruritic rashRight upper extremitySystemic lupus erythematosus (known history) Possible COVID-19 etiology
64 yearsMaleDiffuse vitiligo-like rash with fluid-filled blistersAnterior and posterior trunkPossible COVID-19 etiology
68 yearsFemaleSkin breakdown, erythematous peeling rashNeck and posterior trunkFailure to thrive, negligence Possible COVID-19 etiology
77 yearsFemaleHypopigmentationAnterior trunkPossible COVID-19 etiology
Caucasian29 yearsMaleErythematous macular rash with scalingBilateral upper extremities and palms, trunk, glabellaSyphilis detected Possible COVID-19 etiology
43 yearsMaleBurst blisters with skin sloughingAnterior trunkPossible COVID-19 etiology
52 yearsFemaleErythematous rashAnterior trunk, bilateral upper extremityPossible COVID-19 etiology
57 yearsMaleBlanchable urticarial rashAnterior trunk, bilateral upper and lower extremityPossible COVID-19 etiology
  • COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.