
Diagnostic Maneuvers for Sacroiliac Joint Pain

TestDescriptionSensitivity, %Specificity, %
FABER (Patrick)With patient supine, bring ipsilateral leg into flexion, abduction, and external rotation while stabilizing the contralateral ASIS. Positive test is reproduction of posterior pain. Pain in the groin is suggestive of intra-articular hip pathology.7,935 to 69916 to 1009
GaenslenWith patient supine, the ipsilateral leg and thigh hanging over the edge of table, and contralateral hip flexed, apply pressure downward on affected thigh and cranially to the flexed hip. Positive test is reproduction of pain in the sacroiliac joint region.7-921 to 68835 to >908
Thigh thrust (posterior shear)With patient supine, flex ipsilateral hip to 90°. Apply direct force through the femur posteriorly. Positive test is reproduction of or increased patient pain.7-942 to 80845 to 1008
Gapping (distraction)With patient supine, place heels of both hands on each ASIS at the same time, directing force posteriorly and laterally. Positive test is reproduction of pain.7-915 to 908818
CompressionWith patient in lateral recumbent position with affected side up, flex hips to 45° and knees to 90°. Apply direct force downward on anterior superior iliac crest. Positive test is reproduction of posterior pain.7-97 to >60860 to 908
Midline sacral thrustWith patient prone, apply pressure directly on the sacrum, with force anteriorly. Positive test is reproduction of pain.8,951 to >60840 to >608
  • ASIS, anterior superior iliac spine; FABER, flexion, abduction, and external rotation.