
Analysis of Primary and Secondary Outcomes by Data Collection Cycle

OutcomeData Collection Cycle 1, n=137Data Collection Cycle 2, n=49P Value
Operation note documentation
 Full documentation: agent and duration specified40 (29)44 (90)<0.001
 Nonspecific: some mention of VTE chemoprophylaxis but duration and agent together not specified40 (29)3 (6)<0.001
 No documentation: no agent or duration specified57 (42)2 (4)<0.001
Discharged with VTE chemoprophylaxis prescription78 (57)48 (98)<0.001
  • Notes: Data are presented n (%). Data collection cycle 1 was September 2017 to August 2018. Data collection cycle 2 was June 2020 to November 2020. P values are calculated using Fisher exact test.

  • VTE, venous thromboembolism.