TableĀ 1.

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Clinical Case Content Assessment, n=40

Clinical Case
Survey QuestionChest PainShortness of BreathAbdominal PainEncephalopathy
This PBL was clinically relevant.4.74 (0.86)4.79 (0.83)4.73 (0.83)4.96 (0.21)
This PBL challenged me to think critically.4.70 (0.88)4.67 (0.87)4.77 (0.82)4.83 (0.39)
This PBL aided in learning medical management of patients.4.70 (0.88)4.63 (0.88)4.73 (0.83)4.83 (0.39)
I found the teaching points and objectives helpful in answering clinical questions.4.61 (0.89)4.65 (0.88)4.56 (0.92)4.78 (0.42)
  • Notes: Response options were the following: 1=strongly disagree; 2=disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree. Data are presented as mean (SD).